Writing my heart out!

Today I was thinking, why haven’t i written in my blog since long. There are so many bits and pieces I have scribbled here and there. Sometimes I decide what I am going to post. But today is different, I am doing impromptu. I am writing my heart out. I was thinking seriously, why am i writing a blog and I came up with some surprising reasons. People tell me that I have an amazing memory. Yes, I do have vivid memories of my childhood, my teenage and my youth. Penning down my memories when I have a good memory might one day help me relive those more than anyone else. Tomorrow when I can’t remember anything, I can just turn over each and every page of my life and laugh or cry at my own idiosyncrasies. My kids can read and realise what a life I have lived. My better half will get a better understanding of me. Moreover, I can tell my parents , my sisters, my friends from childhood whatever is left unsaid. Isn’t this incredible!!! But only one condition I have put for myself, be honest and be yourself. After all, this blog is for those who understand me and those who believe in me. There is no space for hypocrisies. Its all about love, hate, happiness and sorrows of life. After all, aren’t we all human beings!





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